Owned Cats

A. When informed of an ill, injured, or pregnant cat, there are two tracks which can be taken:
  1. For non-emergency cases check capacity with the Foster System head before getting the waiver to relinquish ownership to PFA signed. In emergency cases get the waiver to relinquish ownership signed immediately, and follow the procedure as outlined in the Policy on Veterinary Authorization. If the Foster System head indicates that foster care or boarding is available, PFA will provide vet care, and board members will be consulted about further veterinary treatments and expenses as required.

  2. Take personal responsibility for the cat by securing lodging, making personal arrangements (outside of PFA) to cover veterinary expenses, and making decisions for the cat’s future well-being along with the owner(s).
B. PFA will consider helping terminally ill persons or seniors to re-home their cats, based on available resources¹. Some other extenuating circumstances can also be considered, but direction and approval from the Board of Directors and/or Committee Designates must be obtained.

C. PFA is always willing to provide support and guidance for owned² cats which need to be re-homed.

D. Exceptional cases can be brought to the board for consideration.

¹ Note: “Resources” refers to financial, human and physical (foster or boarding availability) resource considerations.

² Owned: have an identifiable owner