/The Treasurer shall:
be responsible for the funds of the Corporation and shall keep full and accurate accounts of all assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements of the Corporation in the books belonging to the Corporation.
oversee the activities of the bookkeeper
submit an annual report to the membership at the Annual General Meeting, including a statement of revenue and expenditures, and a balance sheet.
oversee matters regarding the retention of charitable status with the Canada Revenue Agency, including filing the corporate tax return and corporate information return.
be responsible for securing and distributing corporation mail.
administer all bank accounts.
recommend priorities for debt payments and administer these payments.
oversee the corporation’s financial health and ensure finances guide the scope of RCR's work.
oversee the budget, recommending and directing the drafting of revisions when required.
sit on the Finance Committee.
write tax receipts for eligible donations.
also perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors.