Pet health insurance Q&A
/I adopted a cat a week ago. Can I get the free insurance?
Our insurance program begins on October 1, 2018, so, unfortunately, we are unable to provide insurance for previous adoptions.
Why do I need insurance? Aren’t your cats vet-checked and healthy?
Regina Cat Rescue cats are vet-checked; however, your cat could get into an accident or catch an illness after it leaves our care. Pet health insurance can help you pay for arising vet bills.
Insurance provides peace of mind, knowing that coverage will be available when it’s needed. Setting money aside can take several years to save up for the cost of an unexpected illness or injury. For example, there may not be enough money saved up to cover the vet fees for an accident or illness four months into a “savings” plan.
What does the insurance cover?
Coverage for accidents and illnesses begins 48 hours after activation. If you need to make a claim, the insurance company will pay 80% of your vet fees (up to $500), less a $100 deductible per incident. The free trial voucher must be activated within 10 days of the adoption to qualify for coverage.
What happens if my cat gets sick before the insurance kicks in?
Please contact Regina Cat Rescue immediately if your cat becomes ill before your insurance kicks. We vet check all of our cats but can’t foresee every health issue that may arise. We work with vet clinics that provide us with discounts, and we may be able to help if your cat has a previously undetectable condition.
How much is the insurance if I want to continue it after the trial?
During the six-week trial, Petsecure will provide you with a personalized quote to continue coverage, along with the many benefits of pet health insurance.
What are the benefits of continuing the insurance after the trial?
If you transfer to a policy before the end of the trial, you will have higher coverage amounts without any additional waiting periods for accidents and illness. As well, any conditions claimed for and covered under the trial will continue to be covered under your Petsecure policy.
If I sign up for the trial, will I automatically get charged for the insurance if I don’t cancel?
No. The trial will automatically expire after six weeks, unless you continue with a Petsecure plan. You have no obligation to purchase the insurance after the trial.
Does Regina Cat Rescue receive payment from the insurance company for promoting the insurance?
Petsecure not only provides newly adopted pets with six weeks of free health coverage, but they also make donations to our organization based on our activity with the program. They provide this financial assistance, because they recognize it is costly to operate a rescue.