Our Mission


To nurture a pet-friendly city by providing sustenance, shelter, sterilization, veterinary care and adoption for homeless cats, by educating the public on responsible pet ownership, and by partnering with government, agencies and members of the community for the benefit of Regina residents and companion animals.


Our communities will value and respect companion animals and participate in initiatives to reduce suffering and overpopulation. Euthanasia for healthy companion animals will be eliminated. Pet sterilizations will be affordable and/or subsidized. The homeless population of cats will drop and stabilize. There will be more housing for pet owners. Pet owners will be empowered to provide exceptional care for their pets. People for Animals will collaborate with government and other agencies on policies that have a positive impact on animal welfare. PFA will be a financially stable organization with solid governance policies, a strong membership base, and a high profile in the community, which will lead to increased community involvement.

Goal #1

To educate our province-wide membership and the public on issues of compassionate care, sterilization and health maintenance for companion and other animals.

Goal #2

To humanely trap, neuter/spay and release (TNR) feral cats, and to provide long-term care by maintaining feral cat colonies in Regina.

Goal #3

In accordance with City of Regina by-laws and animal protection laws, rescue, sterilize, provide foster care and place abandoned and homeless companion animals into screened, approved homes.