Diego Needs Your Prayers

This sweet little tabby guy is Diego, a feral team rescue that was found scrawny and needing veterinary care at the backyard feeding station of a local citizen.

Diego is only a year old, but he's had a lifetime of pain and discomfort. He is painfully thin and initially had little  appetite or energy. He had significant fluid in his lungs and his prognosis ranges from heart failure to  one of several forms of cancer. None of the possibilities are good.

However, after a couple of days in a caring foster home, he is starting to come around.  He is eating better and is super cuddly and snuggly with his foster mom.  We are hoping he can overcome his his health issues or that they can at least become more manageable.

We never know exactly what we are getting when we take on a needy rescue. Some cats are very healthy and never have any issues. Others, like Diego, have serious health problems that are hidden by the typical stray attributes of skinny and hungry! We love them all equally and do our best to care for them.

Little Diego is just one of several cats that need ongoing care outside the normal range of vet care that we typically provide.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation ($25 + ) towards the care of Diego or another deserving cat, please visit our website a www.pfasask.com to make a secure donation through paypal, or mail a cheque to PO Box 33066, Cathedral Postal Outlet, Regina SK, S4T 7X2.

We appreciate it, as do our kitties!


He has been neutered.