Good Samaritan Saves Monty’s Life!

Just like in the Bible story of the Good Samaritan, no one can guess how many people drove, rode and walked passed poor Monty, a 4 month old kitten, laying broken and injured in the gutter at the corner of Montague Street until his “Good Samaritan” came along. A man riding his bicycle Wednesday morning spotted Montague (named for the street corner he was found on) and realized he was seriously injured. Monty (for short) was immediately taken to the man’s sister’s house who contacted PFA for help with this amazing kitty. Monty was taken to the vet clinic where it was determined that he had likely been hit by a car the night before and this had resulted in a fractured pelvis and his thigh bone being broken in half, which needed immediate surgery if he was going to keep his leg and live a long healthy and pain free life.

Thankfully for Monty, PFA stepped in as good Samaritans too and agreed to cover the cost of Monty’s surgery. Monty is now happily settled in an experienced foster home where he is recovering. “He is an amazing kitty,” his foster mom says. “He was in incredible pain when I first met him, but all he wanted to do was be held and cuddled. It was like he knew he was now safe and would be cared for!”

Due to the significant cost of Monty’s surgery, PFA is hoping the kind and caring people of Regina will now help to be Monty’s other “good Samaritans” by making donations to help cover the cost of his surgery. Donations can be made on our website through Paypal or you can email us at for more information. Please help PFA show Monty that there are more Good Samaritans out there that will help him out, then people that will just walk by and leave him hurt.

Due to the type of surgery Monty had to repair his thigh bone, he has equipment on the outside of his hip to hold his bone in place while it heals. Below are pictures of Monty’s “fixator” and of Monty recovering in his foster home.