A Poor Pup Who Lost His Home!

This is Boxer, a sweet 9-month old German Shepherd cross currently in PFA foster care. It's been over 10 months since we took a new dog into foster care. Dogs just aren't abandoned and stray to anywhere near the same extent as cats.

But, when we heard Boxer's story we couldn't turn away. This poor boy lost his home due to a tragic house fire. In the aftermath of the fire, his owners were in transition and Boxer was moved around between a number of temporary homes and boarding kennels, becoming more and more stressed and scared with each move. A kind family friend finally contacted us for help and one of our awesome dog foster homes, Tanya and Tracy, took in Boxer.

Boxer is a sweet, friendly dog who is quite content and well-behaved - as long as people are around. But, he suffers from severe separation anxiety and is terrified, and destructive, when left alone for any length of time.

We are doing our best to help rehabilitate this poor guy, but it is a big challenge. We may have no choice but seek professional help for him if he can't get over his anxiety soon. Please keep your fingers crossed and send good wishes Boxer's way!

Oh - and please don't forget your pets when it comes to emergency planning for your family. It is important to have a plan in place for animal care in the event of an emergency such as a house fire. Be it family, friends, or a trusted kennel or boarding facility, have a place lined up that is stable and trustworthy for your pet to go to until you are able to take him back.
