Managing Cats and Allergies

Each year People for Animals rescues many stray, abandoned and neglected cats that truly need our help just to survive. So it is somewhat discouraging to see the number of tame cats being surrendered to overcrowded animal shelters and rescue groups because of manageable issues such as allergies.

Of course it is important not to compromise a person's health and well-being or put them at risk for more severe health problems. But, for people who love their cats and want to keep them, there are ways to manage allergies and still have pets. (Mercia Tapping) offers the following tips for reducing allergy symptoms: don't let cats to sleep with you (or keep them out of the bedroom altogether), washing bedding in hot water at least twice monthly, use of HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) air filters and frequent vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum cleaner including furniture, use of vapour steam cleaners on furniture and carpets (I personally use this method and a HEPA vacuum), wash your hands after petting your cat and avoid touching your eyes, and washing your cat. You don't necessarily need to give your cat a bath - veterinarians may offer topical liquids to apply to the cat's coat, or you can use pre-moistened kitty wipes or a damp cloth.

These methods can help manage symptoms even if they don't completely go away. Please visit for more details on the tips above. If you or someone you know is struggling with cat allergies, please consider trying some of these methods before surrendering your pet to a shelter.
