Quick downtown kitty update

Our formidable team hit the downtown cat colony on Saturday morning and did an amazing job! By lunchtime, 6 cats were at the vet, waiting to be sterilized, and will be heading out to the farm on Monday night.
5 kittens were scooped: 2 are already in an adoptive home, and 3 are currently being fostered.

Our team is going back to the site on Wed night to try and trap a few more adult cats and grab some more kittens for the foster homes.

We are realizing how many cats there are in this colony. We don't think we even have half of them yet, and our funds that were set aside for this effort are almost all spent. After Wed night, we will have to regroup, assess how many cats we thinks are left, and perhaps engage in some very specific fundraising.

I am hoping to get a better idea of the actual demolition date this week from my conversations with city hall.
Thanks so much for everyone's support and good wishes. We'll keep you all posted!